Portable Backpack Droid [Tensen01]


Member since: 2007
Pueblo, Co. USA

So, I'm working on a Star Wars RPG pilot/vehicle specialist and I wanted him to have a droid companion. The problem is most droids aren't terribly well-designed for fast movement or portability.

So the idea I had is a spider-type droid that can be worn as a backpack. It's 4 legs act as the "loops" to hold it on(They attach to points on a vest so they don't have to connect). It should have plenty of concealable "arms" to manipulate or repair things with, as well as a small place to carry small items such as a couple grenades or first-aid kits.

I'd prefer if, when worn it's kinda folded up a little bit and doesn't necessarily look like a droid, more like a high-tech backpack. Once it's off it unfolds and can walk around. It should be about the size of a standard backpack.

I've tried to draw one myself, but I'm not too good at the technical type artwork.

Vicious the Jester

Awesome concept. My techie character needs to design and build something like this for herself. She's up to 4 custom droids now. Another is just better. :)