Macabre - New Alien Species [Asok]

Lord Crumb

Member since: 2007
Nettleton, Mississippi

The Macabre are a race of humanoid reptiles that live on the edge of the Unknown Region of space. The Macabre existence is not widely known but what is know is that they are a warrior society. They thrive on battle and bloodshed leaving no one standing in their wake. What is known of their society is that they may have a Sith linked background. They may have been the result of Sith Alchemy for the dark side of the Force covers them as a blanket covers ones body.

They stand nearly two meters tall and weigh 160 kilograms with yellow eyes that are ever alert to their surroundings. There are two known sub-species of the Macabre that have been encountered on the battlefield: warriors and officers. If and when a Macabre falls in battle their bodies disolve as submerged in acid leaving nothing but odorous pile of goo.

The Macabre warriors are simple minded and focus only on the task at hand. They are covered in natural armor on their backs, shoulders, arms and legs like a carapace of interlinking plates. The natural armor carapace is able to withstand all but the most heavy of infantry weapons and thermal grenades. They themselves carrier large heavy weapons. Where a team of humans is needed to operate an E-web cannon, a Macabre warrior would use it like a standard repeating blaster. They resemble the Ankylosaur. Link:

The Macabre officers are the intelligence ones on the battlefield. It is their job to direct the Macabre warriors to their targets. Where the Macabre warriors have a carapace of interlinked plates the Macabre officers have curved spikes on their backs and two large spikes on their shoulders that curve down past the elbow with smaller spikes lining the rest of the arm. Macabre officers can be found on the front lines of battle and in the rear areas directing the Macabre warriors to the front. If the Macabre warriors tend to leave survivers on the battlefield the Macabre officers finish them off with a gleam in their eyes. They tend to resemble the Kentrosaurus. Link:

The request if for a picture of a Macabre Officer and Warrior standing side by side. The Macabre Warrior should have one or two large heavy infantry weapons on his person. The rest is up to the interpetation of the artist of colors and background.

Thank you for reading this request and thank you if you take this request.
Your humble servant,

-Lord Crumb :-)

Lord Crumb

That's the idea. Something deathly coming your way.

For artist info: Their bodies tend to dark earth tones in color and they use psychological warefare as well. White battle paint smeared across their dark bodies. Think of Braveheart with Mel Gibson.