Insidious Cerean Smuggler! [Asok]

You may(unlikely)/may not(far more likely) know that cereans are my favourite species. Unfortunately, I find that most art of them ends up looking kind of.. stuffy. Here's my vision of my character, Ro-Pak Zethure, better known as his alias, "Captain Haywire"

He is a tall, enigmaticm villainous type of guy. Ideally, I'd like him to be hovering in the air, taking advantage his jet boots. He wears a blue overcoat, and underneath, sleak black leather gear, made for maneuverability and agility. He is brandishing, perhaps firing a slender, thin pistol a la jango fett, and in a holster is one with a very wide barrel, but the size of a regular pistol (it might be hidden under the overcoat though, whatever works)
He'd hopefully have a white utility belt and a wristpad with buttons and stuff. And if his black gear could have like, blue stripes or patterns on it? I'll leave it to the artist.

Most importantly though, he has a helmet. It kind of looks like a rebel alliance helmet, but long and thin, not short and fat, and the visor is light blue. You can have the visor up or down, but his black villain moustache and goatee are visible, and if the visor is up he has villainous black eyelashes. He's not evil, but he looks very smug. The helmet should have little aerials and antennae too.

If it fits, It'd be great to work in a sheathed katana vibroblade, or just put that in his hand instead of the blaster.

A sneaky cerean who left cerea at a young age, after stealing a ton of parts and hitch hiking on a smuggler ship. He set up a base on Rhen Var brokering an arms smuggling deal, until he was chased down by the Imperial power of that era. He hightailed it out of there on his custom built ship, after constructing his self-aware droid Companion, DLR-X108, better known as Dealer. He became known as Captain Haywire, because of his constant creating and the fact that he became a pirate with a crew of droids.
When maintaining his malfunctioning crew nearly dropped his credits in the red, he sold them and became a smuggler/mercenary. Haywire and Dealer became an infamous duo and have led successful lives as the waste product of society for years now.

Basically, I really want the art to be edgy and dynamic ahead of realistic or proportioned. Hopefully it would be fun to draw, but if not I understand.
That said I am only a beginner, I understand if someone wants to go about the art differently.