Hareson, Lepi Spy [Tusserk]

Lord Crumb

Member since: 2007
Nettleton, Mississippi

Hareson, Lepi Spy
Species: Lepi
Homeworld: Coachelle Prime
Height: 7' (including ears)
Occupation: Actor/Spy
Fur Color: Various (he is constantly changing the color)

Hareson was a up and coming stage actor on Coruscant during the Clone Wars. He intergrated himself into the Coruscant society and made connections with nobles of various planets plus government officals. Hareson discovered that by employing his acting skills beings would open up and tell him all sorts of things plus gaining access to partys, clubs, or secure areas. In addition to his acting skills he is an accomplished slicer and make up artist.

When Palpatine's New Order came to power Hareson found himself blacklisted as only Human actors and Human centered plays were deemed appropriate for the people of the Empire. Hareson spent several years working the Outer Rim acting circuit when he learned of the rebellion against the Empire. He offered his services to the Rebel Alliance to infiltate and gather information for them.

Hareson's contact in the Rebel Alliance could never be sure when he would show up and it was always in character. He would show up in character as a noble, bag-being, gunslinger, or any number of disguises with the proper accents and deliver the information. He is also fond of quoting lines from all sort of plays and holovids. This frustrated even Alliance Intelligence as they did not know Hareson's real personality. Sometimes the Alliance was worried that he maybe a double agent. Hareson would gain the trust of numerous Imperial officals to get what was needed and get out without them ever being wiser. Since his information would prove to be correct the Alliance had no choice to trust him.

Rumor has it that he even meet with the Emperor once playing the part of a loyal noble to the Empire and the even fooled him. Whether this is true or not hasn't been confirmed. Rumor also has it that after the Galactic Civil War he returned to the staged under different names and that all of the great Lepi actors are really him.

Scene: Hareson can be dressed as any type of character and be shown gathering information. This can be slicing a computer or him talking to another being in any kind of setting the artist wishes. His fur is always a different color with each encounter as he dyes it as needed. He carries a hold-out blaster, slicer tools, vibroblade, and data cylinders. Although he prefers to bluff his way in and out of a situation he is not afraid to fight if the it is warranted.


Oh man, I'm over-committed as it is... but I want to do this one! If you wouldn't mind a bit of a wait to see this one done, Your Crumbliness?


Just so you don't start to think I've completely stagnated, I'm actually working on the colours for this one now!! Really enjoying the character, and am quite pleased with the little scene I've created. :D