Frankenstein droid [Asok]

E7-Z8 is our adventuring groups starship maintenance mechanic. Played by me.

More as a project to burn time while in transit from one hyperspace jump to another our frugal and low level group of adventures decided to put there wits together and the spare droid parts “found” after a battle or purchased from adventuring around the galaxy. After some time? E7-Z8 came into being and had the opportunity to start the long overdue maitence needed on our Gand Findsmans 5 generation hand me down light freighter.

E7-Z8 is a sight to behold. His torso is that of an 8D smelter droid which gives him a hunchback appearance. Then throw in 4 random droid limbs?, a monocular droid head, clashing colors, heavy/shoddy welding marks, with a noticeable limp. E7-Z8 suffers from the “droid flaw” Bad wiring. This flaw has been an annoyance & source of humor in our group.

E7-Z8 carries a tool kit in a bag slung over his shoulder, a built in fusion welder is the only tool built into E7-Z8. Maybe its from bad wiring or a personality flaw, E7-Z8 likes to be seen and spoken to as if he was a organic sentient, which the group has come to respect.