Female Manda'lor [Batty]

I am looking for a female version of the mandalorian leader, the manda'lor (or mandalore in basic).
The color of her armor should be bronze and black (bronze for the plating and black for the underlay fabric). She wears a variation of the traditional mandalorian armor like the one of the Fetts. Her armor shall look similar, but somewhat more modern and unique, but remain familiar. Of course it should be visible, that a female person is wearing this armor. So the breastplate can be a little .... "bumpy" ;-) But please not too sexy, okay? She shall not look like a superheroine or an amazon. Her helmet should be unique. Looking quite different than that of Boba or Jango. Maybe with another type of visor or so. Maybe somewhat like the design of Marrow Sun's comamndo on the dented helmet forum (http://www.thedentedhelmet.com/forums/showthread.php?t=20654). But that's only a suggestion.
Also she shall wear a brown cloak over her shoulders.

The medium shall be pen or cg. The character shall be displayed before a neutral background. Maybe some buildings or nature.

Ryavar Darek

As Milka is a player in my group, I simply feel free to make a little update here - the player decided to change the colors.
Her armor is now darkred.
The player currently uses this to illustrate her character.


hi! I'm not a guild member, but I just wanted you to know I was working on this. I thought it sounded interesting and challenging, so I put the pencil to the paper. Since I'm not a guild member (maybe in the future) I'm sure my submission will be unofficial, but I'll still post it for u, kk?

Ryavar Darek

Thanks for taking Milka's request.

I'm looking forward to see your work - I think Milka shares my opinion.


Since Batty is now officially a guild member, I'm going to consider this one yoinked.
