Bazaar - Krevaaki Merchant / Blackmarket Dealer [Asok]

Lord Crumb

Member since: 2007
Nettleton, Mississippi

Bazaar is a Krevaaki, but that is where the similarities end. Whereas Krevaaki tend to be peaceful and not concerned with gathering wealth, Bazaar is the exact opposite. He loves making plenty of credits.

Bazaar runs a mobile merchant ship, where he sells all kinds of legal goods on various planets but this is just a front for his real operations. Selling illegal goods on the black market to beings of every type. High powered blasters, explosives, and other exotic items for small time thugs to professional assassins looking for the latest sniper rifles. Bazaar does pay what he calls a royalty fee to certain crime lords in order to sell his exotic items in their territories.

Bazaar is a sly and watchful being. He is always on the look out for undercover agents trying to bust him or a thug who thinks that he doesn't have to pay for the item in question. He is also very persuasive talker and can talk his way out of trouble most of the time. He would even sell his grandmother's carapace for a credit if he could and on a dozen worlds he already has.

Scene: Neutral background with Bazaar in three quarter pose (right side closer) and holding a blaster in his right appendage while holding open his left side of his over coat lined with various illegal good (fake id’s, deathsticks, vibroblades, etc…) and two small appendages wrapped around his abdomen. His shell is colored a reddish orange and the face should convey “Trust Me”. I know that will be the difficult with a Krevaaki.

Thank you for reading this request.
Your humble servant,
Lord Crumb

Lord Crumb

I know showing expression will be difficult but with the right body pose, shading, and lighting you can convey just about any emotion.

Yeah, Bazaar goes against his ppl's normal characteristics. The love of Credits is the root of all greed.

Kia kaha