Who are you in Star Was?


Member since: 2009

So. Speaking totally hypothetically, all you lovely Swaggers, both guild artists and art requesters alike, active or less-than-active or was-active-once-upon-a-time... if you care to indulge me, what would be the best way to represent YOU in the Star Wars world in a visual way? Some of you I think I already have a pretty decent handle on, but some of you are a little more... elusive. ;) But feel free to chip in even if you think you're one of the more 'obvious' ones!


Honestly... I'd be a cross between Han Solo and Qui-Gon Jinn ((Leaning more towards the Jedi side))  ...  As far as race, I'm not sure....  my first character on a RP board was a bothan...  since then I've played mainly humans in Star Wars games...  

Lord Crumb

I believe I would be a Jedi of a cross between Qui-Gon Jinn/Obi-Wan Kenobi, but in the real world I am the Armchair Historian.  I like reading about military history. :)


I would run a space port and refuel your frieghter. if I were to have force powers my Agoraphobia and panic attacks would more than likely earn me some dark side points. In my young years I was nice to those close to me but could be out right cold and heartless like turning a switch. Would have served some time with the Empire but switched up to the rebelion fairly soon. 


Much as I hate to say it, I'd probably be a boring interpreter droid.  In fact, it was C3-PO who I most admired as a kid and wanted to be just like. On a side note, Languages are really hard, but it's totally worth it when you have a conversation at Subway with two Egyptians and an Algerian woman in Arabic and French, respectively. :P


Pilot, likely for a starfighter. Even stuck on this boring old Earth, I crave the ability to soar above the clouds and among the stars more than anything else. Having a decent-sized ship like the Falcon to call home would be nice, but I think I'd be much happier with a small, hyperdrive-capable one-person fighter to travel the galaxy at my leisure. Of course, figuring out how to acquire a privately-owned X-Wing or TIE Defender might be an issue...can't imagine them being cheap or sold individually to any random smuck who wants one.

Hablyonus Pense

You know that Imperial Informant, Garindan, who spies on Solo at the cantina? Probobly him...

Hablyonus Pense

All throughout Elementary school, I was the tattle tale. The snitch. The guy who reminds the teacher to cover up the world map before the geography test.


I suppose I would most likely be a technician of some sort, working in a hanger somewhere fixing ships or preferably part of a team of smugglers working for the rebellion... and I would have a lot of droids with me. Lots. Not sure what species I identify with though... 


I, being myself, would have to be myself: an aspiring amature fiction writer and tabletop role-playing game designer. As for my species, considering there are thousands of undocumented intelligent species throughout The Galaxy (between 40,000 to 60,000 when calculated by a HttE Luke Skywalker), I would have to say I would be a Star Wars specific Chakat.

Hablyonus Pense

Hold on, let me check my pocket dictionary of the internet... A chakat is sort of like a centaur, right?