What if...


Member since: 2008
Newark Ohio

I was thinking that if Episode 4 were made today for the first time, what would be different? Would it have had the impact?
For one, Chewy would be CGI and look more like the concept drawing. As would 3PO and R2. I am fairly sure that alone would have ruined it for me. I miss good ol' FX. Why have trained animals or intricate costumes when CG will do?


Well, you question actually creates a paradox. Because if it wasn't for George Lucas and the Star Wars tech from back then, we wouldn't have the CG stuff today. Which means that it would be the same, except different actors/actresses.

However, if George Lucas was to remake them today, I'm sure they would have the CG stuff in them. But we'll never know.


Never intended for it to become that thought out. There are times when a subject can be over thought. But I am sure CG would have come around with out them. It;s a natural progression thing.


Perhaps, maybe... But George Lucas is responsible for the CG. He wanted to be able to make Episodes 1 2 and 3 using it. So, they started producing stuff, and decided to make Jurasic Park with it to test it out.

If George hadn't made Star Wars in 1977 the movie business would be WAY behind what it is now, technology wise. Lucas created the blue screen and later the green screen. He is also responsible for a lot of the modern day special effects. Star Wars was a pivotal moment in movie making history. If it wasn't made then, there's no telling what kind of movie making technology we would have...

And yes, it may be over thinking it, but I really don't have any other choice, I over think everything :)


I imagine CG would have gotten there, even if someone else ended up pioneering a lot of the technology--

For the sake of argument, imagining that Ep 4 was released today, with all the technology we already have available and all the other films/Sci-fi series around that we're already familiar with, I highly doubt it would have had the same impact... I mean, we live in an age where we've all already seen and read all the tropes and stereotypes and predictable stories; coming up with something brand new and innovative and unexpected is very hard. Doesn't matter how much you dress it up, we all already know the story. I think the only way Episode 4 WOULD have made a real impact would be if they stayed old-school with it; costumes and puppets and sets. So hard to say how it would have been received by the public, though I for one absolutely ADORE puppets and costumes and would rather see films done that way than with CG any day of the week!!

At it's heart, Luke Skywalker's story is a lovely classic coming-of-age, good-triumph-over-evil 'hero's journey', but the way it is told really sets it apart. But to generations that have already seen a thousand movie aliens and spaceships rendered in phenomenal CG settings, who are used to everything being 'faster, more intense', would the story be enough to warm it to them? Man, I hope so, but I'm just not sure.


Well one thing's for sure, if they still did it in EPI-III, the scenes on Tattoine, with its TWIN suns, would still be shot with everything casting only ONE shadow... :(


The bigger issue is that without Star Wars there may have never been a summer blockbuster genre. So if it came out today, it might still be a low-budget flick.



I agree with Tusserk. Episode4 had a pacing that let you breath and appreciate what was going on. It's simplicity and timeliness of it's release re-inspired a new generation that needed it.

It's theme was partly analyzed in a special hosted by Bill Moyers with the title of "The Power of Myth" with comparisons and interviews with George Lucas and the late, great Joseph Campbell.
I highly recommend watching the series If you have time It is fascinating look into history, mythology, the human race and storytelling. And intertwines a myriad of beliefs and ideals from very different cultures. (there is also an accompanying book)

And Jim Henson? a genius and true master of puppetry. As good as CG is today, the very fact that it was controlled by Henson embues it with well practiced life-like gestures and movements difficult if not impossible to replicate.


I have a question:

What if George Lucas had been forced to make Episode I with a similar budget as Episode IV? ($20 million, I believe) How would THAT have changed things? How different would the prequels look and feel? Would they be GOOD? haha



Well you would have to account for what 20 mil then would be today. Go with the equivilant sum and see. I just wanted them to stay true and use little CG. It forced a few different Camera angles, more close ups, an overall feel that was lost in the later movies. I just feel that with all the spectical of the CG you more went to see the effects more than the story. By the end of the 3rd movie I was just looking at scenery and didnt really care who lived or died. I say they would have been better...just me though
( god I feel old..them danged ol' moving pictures..in my day we went and saw us some real actor on stage..23 skedoo)


You're right about the close ups.

I thought the worst visual direction in ROTS was the scene where Padme takes off on her yacht. You barely see Typho speaking with her before she boards, then when Obi-Wan sneaks aboard he's nearly invisible on my TV because I remembered he was a speck on the theater screen! And before the cut to Obi-Wan sitting on the can the entire thing was all a single uncut, CGI heavy scene. No close up on Padme's face showing her emotion or Typho showing his frustration or whatever. Nice colors and lighting, but the visual story suffered for it.


Lucas did it right, I would rather see it the way it is than with too much CGI, now he needs to make the last 3 movies, episodes 7,8, and 9 to finish off the tale of Star Wars. At least I have heard time and again that there are a total of 9. Not really sure. I also wish the Clone Wars were not animated but movies... they woulda been great off shoots, at least that's what I'd of done, or at the very least did a TV series using real actors. I'd have never missed an episode and it would keep the SW Universe in motion (say on the SyFy Channel or FX but at least it woulda kept going... although SW and all 6 movies are timeless classics and I'll watch them forever pasing them down as I did to my son.
But I do watch the Clone Wars... lol wish they were longer than 30 minutes. LOL.