Something to look in to...


Member since: 2009
In a galaxy far, far away

Over these past weeks, or month, I have been rapidly sucked into the Halo franchise. I now own the latest one, Halo: Reach which in my opinion is great. Although I have received the 2nd Force Unleashed, this game keeps me more amused. Now it is in almost every way very similar to Star Wars because of the guns, energy swords etc. I just wanted to ask how the rest of the Guild community felt about this. I mean it isn't too bad, right?

That was short, Rozali :)

Ps. I have no idea if I will continue the weekly Clone Wars reviews, just because I have not received any feedback. So I guess you guys are just not interested?
Pss. Sorry I have not been so "active" on this website recently, but I will try to get back on track.

Oh yeh, and this may be late but, Happy new year! I think we are in like 72,983 ABY or sumthin right?


Lol, my little brother whoops my ass at that game!

As for the Clone Wars reviews, I'm just not a Clone Wars fan. :( Nothing against you, Rozali.



I'm pretty sure I've said it before, but I'm not huge on video games at the best of times... my attention span just isn't that dedicated. Robot Unicorn Attack is about all I can handle! Haha. That said, I've definitely had some fun times with Halo, generally doing the multiplayer thing, but pretty much anyone can kick my ass at it with their eyes shut.

(Unless I'm in a Scorpion. THEN, MORTALS, BEWARE. MUAHAHAHAAA....)

As for Clone Wars, I'm just way too behind in them to have been able to input on the reviews; only seen the first season to this point, sorry Roz!


I love Halo: Reach, just haven't played it in a while; got sidetracked with too many other things. I suck at competitive multiplayer, though.

And yeah, I'm just not a Clone Wars fan, either; I've tried to watch it a few times, but I can't stand the character of Ahsoka and some of the crap they've been doing lately.

Links removed because the spam filter apparently doesn't like me, but I shall have vengeance. And maybe beer. Beer and vengeance.


Is Halo available for the Atari 5200? If not I probably won't get a chance to play at. LoL!

As for Clone Wars, it's missing two crucial Star Wars elements: Han Solo and the Falcon, baby!


Well then if no one really is interested then I guess I will stop them.
As for Halo, I finished the campaign and I am close to being a Warrant Officer grade 1 :) sorry, am I speaking nerd?


-Check out my Clone Wars Reviews every weekend! JK!


I made it to Lieutenant Colonel grade 1 before I took a break to work on Assassin's Creed and my writing... I need to go back and rank up some more so I can get the commando helmet; that thing is pretty sweet.

Course, my JFO is awesome, too; it makes me look kinda like Iron Man, except with a DMR instead of kickass hand lasers. Of course, this guy seems to have found a way around that pesky problem... Maybe this guy, too.

Links removed because the spam filter apparently doesn't like me, but I shall have vengeance. And maybe beer. Beer and vengeance.


'Am I speaking nerd'? Hahaha, dude, you're asking that on a website dedicated to Star Wars roleplay art. ;) I don't think there's anyone here who could possibly be bothered by that!!