Registration Difficulties

I'm not seeing a dedicated forum for technical difficulties with the site, so I hope it's okay to post this here.

I first registered on this forum a couple of days ago, but had some difficulty being able to log into my account, since the initial registration form doesn't offer a space for a password. I tried a few times to get an email sent to my account to get a "new password," but wasn't seeing any arrive until I thought to check in my spam folder.

What's worse, when I tried using the "Contact" link to send a message to the site admin, I kept getting error messages (one of which told me my message might be spam and made me fill out a captcha). Of course, after getting these error messages I also received the helpful suggestion "If this error persists, please contact the site administrator."

. . . Gee. I would if I could. . . .

I'm fully registered and able to login now, but I thought it would be important for the site admin to know that there's a problem (or two) here.


Actually I don't think it's a real problem...

I think it's a spam filter on the site, to keep stupid spam bots out of the site that is causing your issue.

If that's not it, I'm sure Eclipse can look into it and see what's going on, btw Eclipse is the one who runs this wonderful site.



While I'm sorry for your difficulties, this seems entirely typical. Unfortunately, many spam filters are a bit hyper-active, last I checked AOL tossed messages from this site away entirely :-S And there's not a thing I can do to stop that at the moment.

As far as the contact page goes, yeah we have to work hard to reduce spam, so you're asked to fill in a captcha when doing it. Did you receive some sort of error after filling out the captcha? if so, can you tell me what it was?

