An Itchy Feeling Inside


Member since: 2007
Reedley, CA

Woot! I love the new Swag. It has totally fired up my love to draw again. I'm getting this itchy feeling inside me however. From deep down inside me and no it's not something dirty Asok...
I can't wait to have some good old fashioned requesting going on. Just the thought makes me giddy like a Chadra-Fan in heat!
Does anyone else have this burning desire?

Evan Black

Well, I do have a strong desire burning inside me, but it's more interested in not seeing a Chadra-Fan in heat...

I am eager to see the requests start pouring in, however. There's just something uniquely rewarding to do projects with that level of cooperation.


Indeed, I have been wondering when we, the untalented masses, can start begging for requests again. I see 'Requests' listed in the Community section, but no hyperlink for it, yet.


Requests will come some time after the site is posted live. I'm going to work very hard to make this easy to maintain, as that's VERY important to the site continuing to run properly. I don't want to make the same mistakes that killed the previous admins. So I'm going to work hard to make this work out well, but I'm not promising it quickly.



Take your time, Eclipse. We appreciate your hard work, and we don't want you to burn out.


indeed, the amount of work put into this is massive and i think we all appreciate what you've done for this small community. And indeed, don't rush it :)


I just wanna take a moment and say that Mr. Bralt is blowing my mind right now with all of those awesome planet pictures!!! Amazing!