HK-47 type droid

Ianba Wisyd

Member since: 2008
Mayfield Australia

G'Day mates(have to say that coming from "down under" I just prefer aus) love this site. I'm playing D6 edition roleplaying.Can anybody tell me who to see about a piccy.I'm playing a droid similar to HK-47 from KOTR.Thanx and keep up the good work drawing guy's.7-zrk7 Believes he's a protocol droid but found that he has a carbine inside his right arm, a sonic blaster mounted in his head,a hud compass that comes up when in low visibility situations,a data retrieval system in his left hand,and armour plating.He also goes around calling sentients "meatbags".It's quite fun.He does not know how to use any of the listed items due to memory wipes.


First off...YES...someone older than me.( sorry, happens less and less) second, fill out this imformation along with a discription in the request thread. With your discription you may wish to give an "idea" of what they are doing or where they are.

Your disciption can include ideas as to what the droid looks like, color, or distinguishing marks..should have paid more attention in spelling..anyway, you can be precise or give the artist room to run,,,you may be suprised to find that some of these artist have quite the imagination and an eye for details.

S'up to you though. but for me...I think I'd pick one or two details that identify the character to you and your group, then let someone from the talent pool run amuck with the rest. Seems to prduce the most interesting combonations.....but that's me mind you. Good luck

side question: if the water turns the other direction there when going down the your dust devils also turn the other way???