Hi there! New guy here!

Hello there!

I'm new here as I just recently discovered this forum. Some of the artwork here is really amazing. I've been a long time hard core role player for decades and it's really nice to see so many gamers out there, particularly for a game that I didn't realize had such a strong following. I'm also an aspiring artist working my way through school. I was wondering, some of the art styles in the galleries looked kind of familiar. Are all of the guild artists here students (Like an artist isn't always a student), or are there actually some artists here that have been published in the Star Wars Role Playing game books? About how many artists are currently taking requests on here? I'm looking over the site to try to answer my own questions but there's a LOT of material here. <:)




Well I know that Mercy, Asok, Drig and a few others are to be named requesttakers. Also I think Korris wiil be taking a few. Though I want something done keep an eye on the request, Taken request, and Finished request forums to know which artist is open. Ummm well I am a student in High school but uhhh I dont know ask around or PM them... Private Message is a a message to people in the community, Just hit your profile go to inbox and click write new message. People should respond and will answer any ?'s

Welcome to SWAG!!



If I remember right, Hisham is a published artist... but I don't think it's in the Star Wars area. There may be a few others.. I know for a fact one of the artists that was here some time ago, works as an artist for a large company now. But as Roz said, if you ask them, they'll usually say if they are published or not.

I wish you well on your art, wish I had the talent for it, but unfortunately, my talents are limited as far as art is concerned. Anyway, nice to have you around. Enjoy the site.


Thanks, Xan. I did some work for Future Players' Companion by The Game Mechanics, a d20 Future supplement. But it's small fry compared to Reverend Strone and LupisTheBold who does awesome interior art for WOTC's SWRPG books, miniature designs as well as sections of Starwars.com's Clone Wars online comics. Also Travis Moore does pencilling for DC Comics, his latest being Adventure Comics #7. I think Shadowdeep and Jorrigun also have some published RPG work with Green Ronin and such, correct me if I'm wrong, Pete.

Pete -Shadowdeep-

I did stuff for Mongoose, The Game Mechanics (via Green Ronin), and Malhavoc. Also did work for Decipher, but the line went belly up before publication. Apart from a couple recent SWAG pics, I'm not an artist any more.



I'm also new here, and I figured this is as good a thread as any to lift my lurking head and say g'day to the general Swag populace! ;) I've applied to join the guild, and am keeping my fingers quietly crossed waiting to hear back... heh, but in the meantime, I basically enjoy checking back here now and again for eye candy and inspiration. I NEVER imagined I'd fall so utterly hardcore in love with the Star Wars universe as I did when my husband started up a game roughly this time last year, and I must say from the first few sketches I did of my gawky little trandoshan I haven't looked back. I love the story my party has woven together over the months so much, and also love reading some of the stories behind the pieces up here!! I'm hoping to be able to take requests for people at some stage, because, well, doing art for other people makes me super happy.

So, though I haven't really been able to answer any of your questions, Tom, heh, from one newbie to another-- HI!!! And HI to everyone else out there in this community.

- Tusserk


Welcome Tusserk, could I ask for a link to some of your drawings?.. I'd be curious to see your art :)

And welcome to SWAG, look forward to another artist taking requests, and I think I speak for everyone.


Hey Xanamiar!

Haha, well, I'm such an organised person that I don't actually have any neat collective of finished pieces that I can conveniently offer a single link to. ;) The best I can do is link to a couple of Livejournal entries of mine where I've posted some drawings, hopefully that won't end up too convoluted or spammy looking here!!

http://ulfruna.livejournal.com/101356.html - a couple of more recent ones from a couple of very intense sessions, definitely some of my favourite moments in the whole campaign. ;)
http://ulfruna.livejournal.com/98681.html - ahhh, happier days.
http://ulfruna.livejournal.com/96344.html - bit of a dump of sketches and silliness!
http://ulfruna.livejournal.com/95794.html - and more. I like the sleeping Nexu I drew here.
http://ulfruna.livejournal.com/94661.html - this dump comes with a gratuitous leopard painting at the top. :P Wildlife art is what I'm actually a bit more practised at.

Hopefully I didn't just accidentally link to a locked entry or something stupid like that! Would love to know what you think.


Same with me, I love that Acklay and that nexu too, Great Stuff welcome to both of you!