Guild Member Galleries


Member since: 2007
Marietta, GA, United States

Kris - you may very well have already answered this, but I didn't see the answer. Should we go ahead and repopulate our own Guild Member Galleries, or is this a work in progress by the image techies?

Oh, and the new site looks great!


No, PLEASE don't upload anything that was on swag previously. I already have that content and it should be going live to the appropriate galleries in the not too distant future.

If, however, you happen to have new work you'd like to put up, you're more than welcome to do so.



I'm thinking that I may remove some of my older work that I'm no longer happy with or replace them with revamped work.

Will we have the ability to delete and edit images in our galleries once the old stuff is transfered over?

Cheers, Stu


I could certainly give that ability yes. I think what I'd like to do is just have artists request to be put into "edit mode" for themselves and then they'd have that ability. It's just to limit potential misuse and such. But yes that could certainly be done and I anticipate there will be quite a lot of it once we go live.



The edit feature is exactly what I've been hoping for. I've already improved a few old images from my gallery that I would like to replace.