Awkward Fumbles


Member since: 2007
New Jersey, United States

The geniuses responsible for Darths and Droids ( and mezzacotta ( have started a new online comic project: Awkward Fumbles.(

The premise is: you send them a blank drawing of a comic, and they write something funny to go with it. Guess whose artwork is on their page right now? ;)


That rocks!

Also how the hell did I miss Darths and Droids all this time?!?

I was up late last night reading all of it. Brilliant!


There is no currently acceptable word to convey both the feelings of awesome and humor that I am feeling in the dark and seedy bowels of my being.
Thus, I must create one: Bahlswargly.
This fills me to bursting with Bowelsy Bahlswargy.

("Bowelsy Bahlswargy"? I think that was my high school PE coach.)


Oh man, Mercy, lol! Me and Drig have been listening to that song since middle school!



lol! Mercy, I just read that article like three days ago! This is too funny.



Ok, I just snorted tea out of my nose when I read the commentary under Bib Fortuna. That site is SO getting bookmarked!

And for the record, me and my quartermaster were in a liquor store down in Oregon (whoa does that sound wrong) and "The Day The Music Died" came on the speakers, right? So we're standing there looking at the pretty pretty bottles of booze and singing the SW lyrics under our breath, then we both look at each other and just start singing it out loud. I swear, we almost got thrown out, but hey, when ya gotta geek, ya gotta geek, right?


Just for the record... the song is .. "American Pie" :)

Or .. "The Saga Continues" in your rendition :)


Okay! Found some awesome funnies and just had to share!
(none particularly PC - you have been warned!!)

Fett's Vette by MC Chris - for all you guys who liked him in Aqua Teen Hunger Force!; Where Are They Now? The 5 Strangest Post-'Star Wars' Careers (this has another link to the MC Chris song but it totally deserved a separate mention!)
Darth Vader being a Jerk says it all really...
Vader plays the Blues - you've probably all seen this one but, since I'm here, I thought I'd send it out there. It is totally funny!
Vader Sessions
Storm Troopers Parody


Wow... I've seen all of those. But thanks for playing, Mercy! lol

I am particularly fond of Fett's Vette. I used to work at my family's summer camp/resort, and one year I caught some counselors teaching all the little kids that song. It was oh-so-satisfying.



Heh! Funny!!

As it happens, I watched the Holiday Special only yesterday!
OMG - I nearly cried... So very bad.


I've seen bits and pieces... but I have it on my computer, waiting to be watched.
