Squib Jedi (WIP)


Member since: 2007
Buffalo, NY, United States

I took this request just before Christmas for Lanin who asked for a pic of a Squib Jedi. I like Squibs, so I decided to take it. Here is the original link: http://www.swagonline.net/node/3513
And here is the first WIP pic.

Let me know what needs to be changed.

UPDATE 1: Changed the tunics and lightsaber hilt. Let me know of any other changes.

UPDATE 2: Inks are done. LEt me know what you think and about any other changes needed before colors are added.

UPDATE 3: colors are done. Let me know what other changes need to be made before I do the background.

UPDATE 4: Background is done. Let me know what you think.



Looks great. I like the facial features and the blade particularily. He dose wear the standard Jedi robes, but often. He predominatly wears a set of robes like Quigon had under his outer robe, and a cloak/cape that gose half way down his shins.

I'm not an artist, so I have no idea how difficult it would be for you to change his garments. But if you could do that then I would truly be in awe. Here is a link to the Saber Handle I found originaly for him.. don't worry, it's a simple one.



Considering it is still in the pencil stage, changes are easy. That is why I always post each step along the way.


OUTSTANDING. Thankyou very much for the picture of Guv. I love the shading on the face, and the way it was done brings out the feeling I wanted. The realy Black robe over dark brown undergarments fits nicly with the description I gave in my game, and still give enough diffrence with the clasic Sith portrayal to show him as a Jedi. Thankyou again.


Oh, and Tramp, feel free to post this where you will on the SWAG site, If I found it hard to find a Squib Jedi, I immagine there are others out there looking for a picture like this.